In the last debate, Obama raised education during a question on gun control. He brought it up in this debate, focused on foreign policy, in a conversation on how America can remain competitive in the global market. The jump doesn’t seem as wide as with gun control. Obama attacked Romney on teaching hiring. Huffington Post
It seems as though Obama does still have the teachers’ vote. A few teachers sound off on their thoughts on the president and what they like and dislike about his policies. Education Week
A new law in Ohio – the “Third Grade Reading Guarantee” – could hold as many as 10,000 students back. The state is reviewing this law in an attempt to raise their reading standards. Some lawmakers and teachers believe it’s a good idea. What do you think? Huffington Post
In Michigan, the new, tougher Merit curriculum standards may be lowering their high school graduation rate. Some students are unable to meet the more rigorous demands. Education Week
Thomas Friedman, of the New York Time’s opinion page, wonders why Obama isn’t utilizing two of what he sees as his most innovative programs in this campaign – Race to the Top and ‘Race to the Top’ in gas mileage. New York Times
Neither Obama nor Romney have released papers or position statements with specifics for their early education plans. How will they both handle education if they’re elected?Huffington Post